Title: Melody of DragonsSeries: Lunar Insurrection #1Published by: Dragon's HoardRelease Date: December 14th, 2021Contributors: Derrick Ward, Erynn LehtonenPages: 122ASIN: B09NKQP6TB Guinevere doesn't know she's dead. Rey still doesn't understand what it means to be...
Title: Spirit of the DragonSeries: Yokai Calling #1Published by: Dragon's HoardRelease Date: April 9th, 2019Contributors: Erynn LehtonenPages: 286ISBN13: 978-1-7778497-0-2ASIN: B07Q5P1BBL There is a price attached to every dream.. After twins Genshu Masanori and...
Title: The Dragon's EyeSeries: Yokai Calling #2Published by: Dragon's HoardRelease Date: July 16th, 2019Contributors: Erynn LehtonenPages: 300ISBN13: 978-1-7778497-2-6ASIN: B07QYYFQZYLacotl’s sinister game is in full swing.The White Warlock wants his Dragon Eye...
Title: A Dragon's SightSeries: Yokai Calling #3Published by: Dragon's HoardRelease Date: December 22nd, 2020Contributors: Erynn LehtonenISBN13: 978-1-7778497-4-0ASIN: B08LMRCWJ3They can hide from the demons hunting them… but not from the demons inside themselves....