The White Raven Chronicles Team
Meet the founders & authors of White Raven Chronicles!

Erynn Lehtonen
Lv. 99 Editorial Dragon Mage
Passionate about all things fantasy: enchanted weapons, composing dangerous grimoires, and impossible quests. Dragon rider in training with a compuslive tea addiction. Her stories are often rooted in history and mythology, using magic and a rich imagination to spin new worlds to life.
Founder & Head of Operations.

Alexander Rousseau
Lv96 Story Sorcerer
Studying our past as a visitor at Amiskwaciy Waskahikan; I combine my own interest in fantasy archetypes, a touch of quippy humour, a patient approach to narrative cultivation and attention to verisimilitude, writing a modern form of cheap 18th-century serial fiction. Allow my stories, much like a familiar bearded friend, to knock on your door and invite you on an adventure with a band of strange friends.
Founder & Chief Narrative Operator

Makena Bennett
Lv. 99 Word Witch
A woman often lost in daydreams; she pulls her inspiration from her faraway dreams, her love of sea creatures, the magic of the world. Makena writes in many styles but surrealism, humour and fiction are her favourites, as well as poetry. She hopes you will get lost in a faraway place while you read her work.
Founder & Social Media Expert.
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